Hotel Bergland
Conversion of 12 rooms and 13 bathrooms
The Hotel Bergland in Seefeld Tirol impresses with its unique concept of modern ambience and traditional architecture and has been a destination for many sports and activity-loving holidaymakers for years. As the old rooms no longer corresponded to the new style of the hotel and were worn out, renovation was unavoidable. However, Mr Daschil did not want a partial renovation but a new product for his customers.
This involved the modernisation of 12 double rooms and 13 bathrooms. The reasons for working with furniRENT were the friendly and competent appearance of our employee, the good financing solution, as well as the fast realisation of the project and reasonable references. For Mr Daschil, it was particularly important that the furnishings fitted in with the concept of the house, were of good quality and easy to maintain, and of course appealed to his customers.

"The ability to plan precisely, the favourable financing and the rapid implementation were the deciding factors for me to work with furniRENT. Also the fact that there is a single point of contact for all matters."